The Easiest Way to Verify the Age of Your Shoppers


Certain types of businesses have age restrictions that they must stick to carefully and clearly. Managing the step of verifying an age before accessing a website sounds simple, but can take time and energy to implement if you don’t have the right tools.

Today, we’ll share with you one of our favorite tools for verifying age on Zoey, and how you can take advantage of this affordable tool to meet the regulatory requirements when selling certain goods online.

Importance of Customer Age Verification

If you sell regulated goods like wine & spirits, electronic cigarettes or adult paraphernalia, it’s essential that you verify the age of shoppers to comply with regulations. In the past, that might have required you to hire someone to design and build you a custom splash page. Like anything custom, these pages would require the help of a developer if you wanted to refresh the content or to troubleshoot bugs. An inefficient process, especially if you’re a smaller business without a large development budget. 

How to Verify a Customer’s Age

Now, merchants can use AgeVerify, an intuitive age verification system pop up splash entry page that verifies a shopper’s age before allowing them to enter your online store. AgeVerify is extremely easy to use, it doesn’t require a developer to set up, and depending on the pricing plan you use, gives you a high level of control over the page’s design. 

To show you how easy it is set up AgeVerify on your Zoey store, the team at AgeVerify put together the following installation instructions: 

The basic steps are simple:

  1. Open up Zoey’s Visual Design Editor, edit your active theme and enter the code editor for the HTML Head.
  2. Copy the code you’ve generated from AgeVerify.
  3. Paste it into the HTML Head section of the Visual Design Editor.
  4. Save the theme to commit your changes.

That’s it! Now, when someone visits the site, they’ll need to enter their age before continuing.

At Zoey, one of our core principles is to empower merchants with technology. That could mean introducing them to tools they’ve never heard of, or by simplifying complex technology so that it becomes accessible to a far wider audience. AgeVerify is a great example of this mantra at work. They simplify what once was a complex requirement that made it harder for smaller merchants to function in a variety of industries. 

Age Verification Made Easy

If you’re in a regulated industry that requires you to verify the age of a shopper, AgeVerify is one of the easiest ways to add that capability to your site. Best of all, the pricing is incredibly affordably for any business. Try a demo today!

If you’re new to Zoey, we can support B2B Ecommerce scenarios of all types, and work with regulated industries such as alcohol and vape sales (especially those selling wholesale or to multiple channels such as B2B & B2C). To learn more about Zoey, click the button below to request a demo:

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