CartStack’s Visitor Abandonment Recovery Suite: How It Works and Why It’s Important

When thinking about successful customer acquisition in Ecommerce, it really comes down to two main driving factors:

  1. Your ability to drive quality traffic through an optimized sales funnel.
  2. Your ability to re-engage the shoppers that need more time before making a decision to purchase.

As Ecommerce merchants, we tend to spend MOST of our time and focus driving new traffic, while simultaneously trying to manage a remarketing strategy to recapture lost customers. For this reason, our customer re-engagement strategy can often become disconnected and inefficient, as it’s not the main point of focus for most retailers.

What is CartStack?

CartStack, compatible with Zoey, offers a suite of automated sales recovery tools that are designed to drive customers back to your store and complete their purchases. They also help confirm areas of opportunity by offering abandoned session replays and A/B testing tools.

CartStack brings your entire remarketing & sales recovery strategy together into one tool! With the combined power of highly segmented email campaigns, on-site retargeting and monitoring tools and other conversion-enhancing features, merchants are now able to:

  • Recover 15% of otherwise-lost sales from shoppers that abandon a cart.
  • Re-engage window shoppers that never make it to your cart page, and bring them back.
  • Capture email addresses in real-time from shoppers that want to be emailed.
  • Improve initial on-site conversion with exit intent & session replay technology

Key Features

CartStack’s tool set offers a variety of capabilities to enhance your Ecommerce store’s data collection and insights:

  • Cart Abandonment Email Campaigns: Remarket to your highest-intent customers directly in their inbox with automated & super-personalized abandoned cart emails. A/B split test email content to find the perfect messaging, and even recommend similar products for quick upsells & cross-selling.
  • Browse Abandonment Email Campaigns: Send reminders to your window shoppers to encourage re-engagement with your brand & generate sales from website visitors who don’t add anything to their shopping cart.
  • Exit Intent Popups: The instant a shopper shows signs of trying to leave your site, you can abruptly display a popup with an enticing offer, newsletter subscription, contest, discount incentives to disrupt their exit and/or drive leads for your email campaigns.
  • “Send My Cart”: Give shoppers a simple way to save their cart for later, instead of abandoning it! Our exit intent technology monitors your visitors, and offers them a simple alternative to abandoning their cart: An email reminder containing the products they’re interested in.
  • Webhooks: CartStack sits in the background and captures email addresses (like an invisible leadgen machine), why not export those contacts for use in future marketing campaigns?



CartStack helps you also review how various initiatives are working out, showing you which sales can directly be attributed back to their sales recovery solutions. They offer other data opportunities to help you evaluate where problems are occurring and how to resolve them:

  • Real-Time Notifications: Immediately receive enriched contact reports on your abandoners, including contact information, links to social profiles and known organizations, and the items your shoppers abandoned.
  • Abandoned Session Replays: Review visitor behavior to pinpoint conversion leaks, identify technical issues with your site  and make improvements to your checkout flow to impact your overall conversion.

How Does CartStack Work?

Integration with your Zoey store takes only minutes. Once you’re setup, the software will begin to monitor your shoppers and capture email addresses from every page on your website, as they’re typed!

4 Campaigns to Run in CartStack

From here, there are four different campaigns you can run within CartStack to boost on-site conversion & recover lost sales from abandoning visitors.

1. Cart Abandonment Email


Re-engage your most qualified leads with conversion-focused abandoned cart email reminders to recover 15% of your lost sales. A/B split test email content, inject the product images your shoppers had in their cart, and get inboxed every time with CartStack’s trusted ISP.

2. Browse Abandonment Email

Around 90% of shoppers won’t add anything to their cart, so you won’t have an abandoned cart to work with for them. Since you’ll continuously capture emails & cookie shoppers throughout your whole website, Browse Abandonment emails will re-engage your “window shoppers,” pushing them further through your conversion funnel and helping you recover an extra 3-7% of abandoned sales.

Exit Intent or Delayed Popups


Exit Intent Technology allows you to disrupt your shoppers’ exit with an enticing offer to boost your sales and improve conversions by:

  • Converting more shoppers while they’re still on the website, by presenting them with discount codes, shipping incentives, contests or other special offers they can use to complete their purchase.
  • Sending cart and browse abandonment reminders to shoppers that provide email, but don’t complete their purchase while on your site.
  • Importing these leads into future remarketing & email campaigns.

With the right offer, you could capture more leads for use in your email campaigns, and convert an extra 3-5% of would-be lost traffic.

“Send My Cart”

When your shoppers simply aren’t ready to complete their purchase, Send My Cart will present them with the option to send themselves a reminder email, saving the items they had in their shopping cart. Your customers get to keep a wishlist of their favorite products from your store, and you’ll capture and remarket to even more leads.

Other Tools To Boost Your Conversion

Aside from these four core options, there’s additional tools that can take things even further and help you boost sales even more.

A/B Split Testing

Not sure which offer or email content your shoppers will respond to the best? With A/B split testing, you can quickly and efficiently figure out the perfect formula to get your abandoners back to your site & through the checkout line.

Abandoned Session Replays

You can easily pinpoint & identify leaks in your conversion funnel by reviewing full session recordings of your abandoning website visitors, filtered & categorized based on behavior.

AI Product Recommendation Engine

While only a small percentage of customers will click on “Recommended Items” in an email, they can account for an outsized amount of additional sales! CartStack’s AI-based recommendation engine monitors your shoppers purchasing habits and recommends the products that they’ll be most likely to purchase right in the cart recovery email.


Integrate CartStack with your CRM or email program to automatically import CartStack leads for continued marketing.

Best Practices for Recovering Revenue

The metrics (open rate, click through rate) you’ll achieve with a revenue recovery campaign will almost always double those of a typical email marketing blast for three reasons: Timelines, Relevance & Personalization.


Cart & Browse Abandonment emails sent out within the first 20 minutes after the shopper abandons your site a 3 times as likely to be opened. For cart abandonment campaigns, a cadence of three emails over 3 -5 days max is ideal for most retailers. For browse abandonment campaigns, a much more rapid email sequence is ideal, since these shoppers are likely to forget about you much sooner.


No online shopper is built alike. And for this reason, sending the same email message to all of your site visitors is one sure way to recover very little (if any) revenue.

CartStack automatically segments your shoppers based on their interactions with your site, giving you the ability to dial in relevant messaging that will result in a higher number of recovered sales.


Your shoppers are going to have the greatest response to email campaigns when they’re reminded of the items, images & descriptions of the products they abandoned while on your site.

Once integrated with your platform, you can easily use their pre-built email templates to have product information & images imported into your email campaigns automatically.

How To Install CartStack and Recover $1,000 Minimum for Free

Integration with your Zoey store takes only minutes! Just sign up for a free trial, and follow the simple setup guide to place CartStack’s tracking code on your site.

Not only will their integration team help you get setup and recovering revenue asap, you’ll never pay a dime until you recover at least $1,000 in lost revenue! And most new users recover enough sales in their first month to pay for the entire first year of service.

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