User Roles & Permissions


Control Access & Permissions For All Users Internal & External

Zoey’s extensive user roles & permissions allow you to configure what access and allowances to give each employee, outside sales rep and customer.

Team User Roles & Permissions

Your team members (Sales Reps, Customer Support, Accounting, Product Managers etc…) all need access to different parts of Zoey, and may have different restrictions put on what they can and cannot do. Utilize Zoey’s pre-built Roles, or customize a role with unique permissions based on what you want each team member to have access to, or to do. This includes access to different parts of the software, as well as what they are able to see and do within each screen.


Inside / Outside Sales Rep Permissions

Add your Outside Sales Reps to Zoey securely by restricting them to specific customers, customer groups, price lists and pricing/product catalogs. You can further restrict their ability to apply promotions, customize prices on orders, or to Invoice/Ship – tasks that you may otherwise allow your Inside Sales Reps to do.


Customer Roles & Permissions

Within each Account you can have multiple “Contacts” each with their own Role and subset of Permissions. Those permissions range from the ability to submit orders, ability to submit quote requests, which orders they get to see, if they can view/pay invoices, which email notifications they receive etc…


Customer Order Approval Workflows

Customer Permissions can also be used to require external approval before Orders are submitted. When enabled for specific contacts on an Account, their Orders are put into a “Pending Approval” state and require their manager – or any other contact on the account with permission to approve Orders – to review, approve and submit the Order.



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Book a demo with our customer success team to help you find the best Ecommerce solution for your unique business. See how Zoey can help grow and expand your sales.